As a child, I often kept my chocolate bar, cookie or snack till later. I would bring it out like a treasured jewel when others had finished theirs and long-forgotten they were candies given. It always felt like a treasure when I brought mine out. I would usually do this in grand style and begin to nimble it slowly with panache (steeze and maximum composure); I am sure all that did spite the fast, non-patient eaters. I know this is more like self-delayed gratification, but from these childhood experiences, I realised how much it meant to save now and enjoy later,
Photo by from Pexels
I did practise this with my secondary school-served meals as well as I did not like certain foods; however, I had to eat them during the agro period (A week or two to visiting days when you were out of provisions), and I always used the meat on my meal as a gratification to be enjoyed later after my meal. The meat was usually fried fish or beef. I would eat this last and nimble on it slowly so the juices burst into my mouth. Back then, I used the meat as a reward for eating the not-so-delicious and delicious meals we got served. Over the years, I have used this method in real-life cases like studying hard, being diligent at work, and what have you.
I know it is never easy to work for so long and not get some sort of reward or recognition, but eventually, these things come, and when they do, it just feels right. You would be feeling like a young child eating a chocolate cookie when others had finished theirs. You will be glad you waited, as you will be greatly rewarded.
"Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Delayed gratification can also occur when you work hard in school or at work and the result you get is not immediate, but it eventually comes in good grades or promotion and recognition. Sometimes, you forget that you worked so hard for the rewards you are getting. Those beautiful and bountiful rewards eventually come, and you will be glad you did not hurry or take shortcuts.
I would like to leave with this: Eventually, your cookie is going to be yours; it's been handed to you by the creator. It might not be in your reach now, but it is definitely not out of your reach.
Originally published on 2/21/2020 at 6:23 AM.