So I was on a road trip early in the week, and the driver was spitting out things from his mouth. Out of fear of being spat on, I told him to be careful as he had spat on me. Immediately, I said that the Holy Spirit cautioned me as I had just lied, so I told him he didn't spit on me, but he should be careful so he doesn't spit on me.
I then thought retrospectively that every lie I told was out of fear of one thing or the other. I didn't want to know the after-effects, so I lied to prevent the negative outcome I had feared. Then it dawned on me. I lie because I am afraid and assume that for everyone. If you think deeply, you lie out of fear; it could be fear of losing out on something good, fear of not being tagged as a whim or fear of not being asked to redo your task. It all boils down to fear If my assumption works across the board.]
Fear surely does beget lie.
Originally published on 9/8/2016 at 9:19 AM.