The first good thing I am grateful for is Family. My relationship with my family is very special.
Often, they are the people who know me in ways no one else does, and I can share things with them that I should not share with other people.
The second good thing I am grateful for is my Husband: Almost all adults seek to be in a close or intimate relationship with another adult.
Two people in a relationship can seek pleasure from being physically and socially intimate. People in a relationship can depend on each other and share thoughts and feelings together
Thirdly, I am grateful for my friends. Unlike my family members, I do not have a biologically established link to my friends. I can make friends with whomever I choose, and that is important. My friends and I support and care for one another and look after each other's needs. I can share activities with my friends.
In addition, I am grateful for a home: It is my place of safety, and I control what happens in it. I have my privacy, and I can be with my loved ones.
Furthermore, I am grateful for work: it is fulfilling, it makes me productive, and it also helps me contribute to society. Importantly, work gives me money, which I can use to pay my bills, save, invest, and control my life to some extent.
Community is a good thing for me. I am grateful that I can live my life, use resources from my community, and contribute to it.
Lastly, I am grateful for faith, which has allowed me to develop personal and social companionship while growing spiritually.
What are you grateful for?
Originally published on 3/5/2020 at 9:53 AM.