Set the rules
I hear people say, "You can't set the rules," but hey, that is the mistake most people make: They confuse rules for regulations.
There is a thin line between rules and regulation that the dictionary might not tell you, but you will find it in Timi's diary: Rules are self-defined, while regulations are organization-defined or government-set.
So you set the rules for yourself and obey the set regulations. That being said, do not let the world set rules for relationships, ethics, dining, walking, fashion and every other facet of your life. That is why it is your life; live it and live it truly.
These are a few examples of rules you might have heard over time...
Relationships: The world will say you have to have sex with your significant other to prove that you love them,
Ethics: They say no one has moral standards anymore, so just do what you wish.
Dining: They say you have to use a fork and knife /I am comfortable with my hand while tearing that chicken wing joor/
Walking: They say you have to take the right foot first
Fashion: They say you lack class if you choose not to wear heels.
...and the list is endless
So my point is this: Let God be the anchor of your life, don't row on the boat paddled by the world, and live by the rules the world has set.
PS: Ask God for directions daily because, with God, the rules come afresh but will never contradict the word of GOD.
Credit: Google Images
Originally published on 1/10/2017 at 9:52 PM.